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Buši je – Buši.

Začelo se je, ko je bila hčerka še čisto majhna. Tako, ravno dve leti in pol, če.

Nekega dne je sklenila je dlani v ljubko okroglinico in dejala: »A veš, mami, Buši je.«

»Ahm, Buši?« Sem odvrnila in jo zvedavo pogledala. »Kdo pa je Buši?«

»Ja tak, okrogel, pa kosmat. A veš.« / »Oklogeu pa komat.« (Hihih, tako je bilo originalno rečeno.)

»A je mucek?«

»Neee. Buši je.«

»A ima ušeska?«


»Pa učke?«


»A velike ali majhne?«

»Ja, ne vem. Učke ima.«

»A ima repek?«


»Kakšen pa je repek? A je kratek ali dolg?«

»Ja ne vem. Repek je. Taaak.« In je pokazala, da je dolg.

»A ima 10.000 nogic?«

»Ja, ne, ne vem. Nogice ima.« Smejala sem se, ker sem vedela, da še ne pozna številk in so nogice nogice, 2 ali 10.000, vse je enako za tako majhnega otroka.


Ne spomnim se več, kaj je bilo potem, le tega, da sem ji rekla, da bi bilo tako ljubko, če bi Bušija narisali in tudi sem skicirala malo živalico, takrat pa je hčerka že delala nekaj drugega in življenje je steklo po svoje - do nekega posebnega dne.

Jeseni leta 2019, kar pomeni kakih 15, 16 let po tistem prvem Buši pogovoru, sem šla zjutraj v atelje. Silovit naliv je pral temne ceste in ljudi, ki so sklonjenih glav in z dežniki, potisnjenimi globoko na ramena, hiteli do svojih služb. Pod ginkovim drevesom sem zagledala nenavaden pojav. Rumeno listje se je kljub nalivu, zdelo se je, da vetra ni prav veliko, premetavalo po tleh. Veselo, barvito, pogumno. V hipu sem si predstavljala, da neko majhno bitje skače med vsem tem listjem in se zabava ne glede na vreme. Postala sem razigrane volje in odhitela do barv in čopičev, saj se mi je v hipu izrisala čudovita podoba malega živalčka. Ok, kosmat je, okrogel, dolg repek, špičasta ušeska, nogice, nekam mačji gobček. Mali muc, ampak ni muc, pač - živalček. Ko sme gledala sliko in se smejala nenavadnemu bitju, me je nenadoma prešinil nek spomin iz preteklosti in začela sem se tresti. Ojoj, saj tale živalček bi pa lahko bil Buši, ki ga je videla hčerka, ko je bila majhna. Poslala sem ji sliko in jo vprašala, če jo ilustracija na kaj spominja. Preko telefona je zazvenel rahlo obotavljajoč in nekam na skrivoma srečen glas: »Mami, a se spomniš tistega Bušija?« »Ja, seveda se spomnim. Kajne? A bi to lahko bil Buši?« »Ja.« Je rekla. Postala sem malce solzna - tako se je rodil Buši. Kasneje sva ga še korigirali in popravili določene detajle, na primer, ušeska so sedaj okrogla in ne več špičasta, Buši je cel okrogel in ne suh pod dlakami, nogice so kratke, s fiziognomijo se ne bom sekirala, ker otrok vidi drugače od odraslega in oh. In ah.

Bušija sem potem sama razvijala naprej in nastalo je okoli 25 ilustracij, ki jih nisem nikoli povezala v zgodbo ali kaj takega, ima pa vsaka ilustracija posebej svojo majhno, zen zgodbo. Vsaka govori zase, zato nastaja tudi knjiga.

In pa – pobarvanka! Ljudje so me veliko spraševali po pobarvankah, nekoč sem tudi že naredila eno. Tako sem se odločila, da staro prenovim, ji dodam nekaj podob, nova pa je pobarvanka z Bušiji.

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Mojca Fo_01_Busi bralcek_mesana tehnika_2023.jpg


Bushi is – Bushi.

Story began when my daughter was around 2.5 years old.

One day she looked at me with her big blue eyes and palms kind of sphere shaped and said: »You know mommy, it’s Bushi.«

»Oh, Bushi?« I looked at her with curiosity in my big blue eyes. »Who is Bushi?«

»So, it’s rounded and fluffy you know.« / »Loundandluvy.« (Hahah, that’s how she was speaking at that time.)

»Is it a cat?«

»Nooo, it’s Bushi!«

»With ears?«


»And eyes?«


»Biiig or small eyes?«

»I don’t know. Eyes.«

»And a tail?«

»Yes, it has tail.«

»Is it a long or a short tail?«

»I don’t know. Like thiiis.« And she showed a long tail in comparison to tiny imaginary figure in her hand.

»Does he has 10.000 legs?«

»Yes, no, I don’t know. Bushi has legs.« I laughed silently because I knew that numbers are something very abstract, for kids 2 legs is as same as 10.000 probably.


Life went on and we never mentioned Bushi again.

In autumn 2019,15 years after that cute ‘Bushi conversation’ I was walking early in the morning to my studio. Hard rain was falling washing streets and everybody with an umbrella were running to work wearing scarfs and empty eyes. Suddenly I saw tiny yellow leaves under the ginkgo tree moving so fast, jumping from the floor. Happy, colorful! I wanted to say to someone oh, look that funny leaves! There is no wind, why they are moving like this? I knew that people would not understand my happiness only because of some leaves, of course it’s windy, lady, oh. So I just went but, in my head, a little creature was born in a moment. Imagine fluffy rounded figure with a long tail playing with leaves. “I’m an eagle!” He would grab one leave jumping into the air. Yaaay! With a tiny snout, cute long whiskers, shiny eyes, cats like ears, tiny, cute legs with long claws.

I painted it immediately and this first ‘Bushi’ picture and it came out so cuuute! That time it was not called Bushi yet. It was ‘only’ a little creature. Then I heard something and I recognize what a tiny voice in my head is whispering me. Yeeeess? No, yes, oh, goshhh, what? This must be Bushi!! I sent an illustration to my daughter asking her if this figure reminds her on something. Silent moment on the other side was so loud and long that I was just, yes, yes, she will remember Bushi!! And then she said a little bit reserved, but I felt a big surprising and happiness in her voice: “Mommy, (silently loud moment) do you remember Bushi?” Expectation on both sides exploded and I almost jumped through my phone: “Of course I’m! I need to tell you a story! And I told her a story about a ginkgo tree and rain and sad wet people going to work this morning and umbrellas and how I saw cte little leaves jumping around and the idea about a little creature and how it reminded me on Bushi after so many years. “So, this figure can be Bushi now, is it ok?” I asked her. Anyway she is a creator. She simply said : “Yes, mommy, calm down, hahah.” Later we changed some details but the foundation stays. Ears are now rounded, …

I made 25 illustrations and every illustration has a tiny zen, sometimes haiku story. A book will come out in autumn together with a calendar and some other merch.

But for now – here is a colouring book with 20 illustrations! I’m so glad we made it.

Enjoy in colours, enjoy in storytelling and immagination! Thank you!


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